Maria Leonard Olsen: “Determine what you can and cannot change”

Let go. Determine what you can and cannot change. If you cannot change something, why waste your limited time worrying about it? The more I recognize that my time on earth is of uncertain duration, the easier it is for me to let go of things that are out of my control. I used to endlessly fret about my adult children, for example. But when I finally let go and let them make their own mistakes without my interference, our relationships improved.

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Maria Olsen
Featured by Tracking Happiness

Fun to be featured on’s Instagram!

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Maria Olsen
Authority Magazine Interview: Things We Can Do to Develop Serenity and Support Each Other During Anxious Times

Let go. Determine what you can and cannot change. If you cannot change something, why waste your limited time worrying about it? The more I recognize that my time on earth is of uncertain duration, the easier it is for me to let go of things that are out of my control. I used to endlessly fret about my adult children, for example. But when I finally let go and let them make their own mistakes without my interference, our relationships improved.

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Maria Olsen#fiftyafter50
Interview for Crunchy Tales about Heroine Quester

Approaching her 50’s, Nicole Cutts, a psychologist and author based in the Washington D.C. area, knew her opportunities would have changed with regard to those traditional milestones related to the female lifecycle. “I grew up with the expectation that, by a certain age, I’d be married and have kids – she says-. I didn’t question if I wanted that. But when I got older the possibility for that lessened“. However, that turning point resulted as a way to reinforce her mission: to create a legacy to inspire and empower women and girls (especially women and girls of colour) to thrive. “I wanted them to know that there’s no wasted time – she explains- and they should pay attention to every moment of their life while they are embodied on this planet“.

As a master facilitator and Success Coach, Nicole helps people create an exceptional life by honouring their mind, body, and spirit so they can experience joy, passion, meaning, and ultimate success in their work.

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Maria Olsen
Cultivate Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Wellbeing

“Spiritual wellbeing can be achieved via meditation and living mindfully. When I practice the pause before speaking, for example, whatever I say is more thoughtful. I ask myself if something needs to be said, needs to be said by me, or needs to be said at all. Such restraint has improved all of my relationships.”

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Maria Olsen
Joined the Crunchy Tales Team as Diversity Promoter

We are super excited to announce that Diversity Promoter Maria Leonard Olsen is joining our team of #CrunchyExperts. Maria is an attorney, author, public speaker and radio host. Her latest book, '50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life', which chronicles the 50 new things she tried in her 50th year to determine how she wanted to live the #nextchapter of her life after getting sober and divorced, has been used as a vehicle to help many women reinvigorate their lives.

Maria worked on #diversity issues while in private practice and as a political appointee in the U.S. Department of Justice.

Stay tuned for her exclusive #interviews and views on midlife, diversity and #inclusion.

Follow her tips and advice on CrunchyTales, be inspired by her #journey, learn from her #wisdom and experience or drop her an email

Ilustration by @HannaSuni
#diversityandinclusion #diversitymatters #Ageing #over40 #over50 #expertadvice #crunchytales #agepositive #midlife #latebloomers #perennials #strongerthanyesterday #inclusive

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Maria OlsenComment
Proud Speaker at the Annual HBA Conference

Using Self-Care to Become Your Best Version at Home and In the Workplace
Presenter: Maria Leonard Olsen, attorney, author, radio talk show host, mentor and coach

When you care for yourself, you can approach your work with more centeredness and confidence. Recharge and tap into your strongest, most powerful and effective self. Participants will learn how to shed what no longer serves them and to protect their well-being. Attorney, recovery mentor, radio show host and author of 50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life, Maria Olsen will share her experience overcoming alcoholism, trauma, addiction to busy-ness and the pain of her divorce by using spiritual, mental, physical, social and emotional self-care strategies. Participants will engage in group exercises to enhance well-being and thereby increase productiveness and effectiveness. Barriers to self-care will be explored. Strategies include:

  • de-stressing tactics for busy people

  • breaking the cycle of negative self-talk

  • reframing techniques

  • cultivating contentment

  • emotional regulation skills

  • healthy social relationships

  • boundary-setting

  • intentionality about how you spend your time

  • building connection

  • responding instead of reacting, for sound decision-making

  • injecting purpose and joy back into one’s life

Learning Objectives

  1. After participating in this session, the learner will be able to identify and incorporate physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual self-care strategies that will allow her to operate at her most effective level.

  2. After participating in this session, the learner will be able to identify and overcome barriers to self-care.

  3. After participating in this session, the learner will be able to manage stress both inside the workplace and at home.

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Maria Olsen