Social media image
Positive Aging Thought Leader: Maria Olsen
Social media is both reviled and embraced.
“There is not a finite number of good things in the world. And joy shared can be multiplied.”
Often, people take breaks from social media as a means of self-care. I don’t believe it has to be that way.
Most people objectively know that social media displays the highlights of people’s lives and work. As we know, advertising posters usually do not use social media to air their dirty laundry.
Social media can be used in many positive ways. For example, to keep up with family and friends across the globe, or to let others know we are safe when we find ourselves in danger zones.
Interestingly, it is when we are not in a good place that social media posts can have the ability to make us feel inferior. When we are spiritually centered and living a life aligned with our values, we can share and appreciate other people’s good news. It’s easier to remember then, there is not a finite number of good things in the world. And, joy shared can be multiplied. We need not envy the success of others.
Social Media Presence:
“Many times, people say negative things if they themselves are unhappy or want what the other person has.”
Haters on social media often are projecting their own unhappiness onto the people who are on social media. My son is a TikTok star and has his share of negative posts on his account. He has learned to ignore such posts. Many times, people say negative things if they themselves are unhappy or want what the other person has. Awareness of this fact can help us develop a thicker skin and not allow other people’s actions and words to affect us in a negative way.
Most authors, businesspeople, and even nonprofit organizations appreciate the utility of having a social media presence. It is an effective way of getting one’s message seen and heard. Courses are taught in colleges today, as well as online, on how to use social media to one’s advantage.
My mother criticizes me for posting every day on social media. She does not understand its efficacy. Often when I am asked to speak at a conference, the organizers want to know the number of social media followers I have on all of my accounts. They want to know that I can increase their visibility via my posts about the events. It is therefore part of my job to keep building my social media following.
Spending Our Time Online:
Different social media platforms have slightly different rules and uses. LinkedIn typically is used for more business-related ventures and for networking. I know many people who have found employment via LinkedIn.
My last book agent maintained that twitter was the best platform for advertising books and authors. Some authors have harnessed readers using the power of TikTok. I am most active on Instagram and Facebook.
“Consider hiring a younger person to help you with your social media.”
Instagram allows a user to post simultaneously on Facebook and Twitter. Instagram, however, limits the number of words that can accompany posts, so I edit down longer posts for that platform. Moreover, Instagram also limits images to ten per post. Facebook does not have those limits. Pinterest is a very visually focused arena. YouTube allows for long videos. I learned how to fix my refrigerator using a YouTube video.
Internet Immigrants:
All of the social media platforms serve slightly different purposes and vary in their audiences. All are deserving of attention to see if they can be useful to your endeavors. Of course, we all have limited bandwidth for spending our time online. So, I counsel others to choose one or two and focus their time on the platform that likely has your biggest audience’s attention. Staying nimble with technology is something we all must do to keep our businesses thriving.
Social media platforms sometimes fizzle out. Facebook has become unpopular with millennials and those in the Gen-Z and Gen-X groups. They appear to be squarely in the Instagram camp. Snapchat used to be popular and has lost traction. Undoubtedly, other players will emerge on the internet.
Keep Building My Online Presence:
If you want to use social media to your advantage, observe what others in your field are doing on the internet. I have found that high school and college students are very adept at technology. We, middle-aged people, are internet immigrants; young people are internet natives. Consider hiring a younger person to help you with your social media. It can be cost-effective and instructive.
So, I keep building my social media presence. My posts do not go viral like those of my son. But I continue to plug away. I try to interact with those who comment on my posts. I keep up with trends and share my friends’ posts to highlight their work. We can help each other rise in visibility algorithms with a few clicks. Social media is not evil. It actually can be used for social good, and can increase your bottom line.
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About the Author:
Maria Leonard Olsen, is an author, attorney, TEDx speaker, podcaster and WPFW radio show host in Washington, D.C. Her latest book is 50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life. For more information about her work, see and follow her on social media at @fiftyafter50. Her latest book, 50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life, which has served as a vehicle for helping thousands of women reinvigorate their lives, is offered for sale on this website.
About the publication:
Kuel Life normalizes aging for women via meaningful, curated content and women-driven brands.