Seven Things That Could Be Holding You Back in Life

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in life’s version of a traffic jam, and everyone else seems to be zipping along in the express lane? You’re definitely not alone. If you can identify the roadblocks stopping you from doing what you really want to do, you can get around them and live your best life right now. 

Here are some of the most common roadblocks that could be holding you back in life:

1. The Dreaded Comfort Zone

The comfort zone — that cozy little bubble where nothing ever goes wrong – exists mainly because nothing ever really happens there. Staying in your comfort zone is like perpetually eating plain oatmeal when there's a full brunch buffet waiting just outside your door. It’s safe, it’s familiar, and also can be stagnant, preventing any growth. Challenge yourself to step out. Try something new, like visiting a town nearby or faraway. Learn a new skill, listen to a podcast or TED Talk to gain a new perspective. Stretch yourself in some way. You do not have to settle for the gray safety that sameness promises.

2. Procrastination: The Thief of Time

Procrastination isn’t just about being lazy. It can become an art form: the art of putting off until tomorrow what you could absolutely do today. But tomorrow has a sneaky way of turning into never. Break tasks into bite-sized pieces so that the idea of starting is not overwhelming. Remember, even the longest journeys begin with any panic you might feel the night before a deadline.

3. Fear of Public Opinion

Worrying about what others think about you can be as limiting as wearing a heavy backpack while trying to run a marathon. Constantly seeking approval is exhausting. What will people think if you fail? What if they laugh? Well, if you're enjoying your life, let them have their opinions – you’re too busy living your best life to notice. And you cannot control what others think, no matter how hard you try. You can only control your own thoughts. Let go of the judgment of others and live your most fulfilling life.

4. Anxiety: The Silent Dream Killer

Anxiety is like having a pesky backseat driver constantly telling you that everything might go terribly wrong. It's tough to drive your life forward when anxiety keeps grabbing the steering wheel. If anxiety is more than just an occasional nuisance, it might be time to seek out an anxiety therapist or talk it out with a trusted friend or family member. Consider it a tune-up for your mental health, helping you to worry less and live more. Seeking help is not a weakness; it’s a strength.

5. Perfectionism: The Paralysis of Analysis

Perfectionism isn’t about having high standards; it's usually about having unrealistic standards. Striving for perfection is like chasing a horizon – it’s always out of reach. It can stop you from starting projects, sharing your ideas, or feeling satisfied with your achievements. Embrace the beauty of something being good enough and remember that done is better than perfect. Even the Mona Lisa has her critics. It is easy to criticize. It’s harder to achieve something.

6. Digital Distractions

If you’re spending too much time on social media, then you are not truly living your own life, and you will find that time slips away from you before you get the chance to to all that you have wanted to do in your life. Relationships can be nurtured. You can start an artistic side hustle or some other project that holds your interest before it is too late to do so. Put the phone down and enjoy your life in the real world. Set limits for yourself with phone time and turn it on the do not disturb setting to free up more time for things you are passionate about or people who are important to you.

7. The Blame Game

Blaming other people for your situation may help you to feel a little better about yourself in the short term, but it will only hold you back from getting where you really want to be in the long run. If you want to live a life to your full potential, you need to be in the driver’s seat. That means taking responsibility for the things that you actually have control of and letting go of things you cannot control, like other people.

Life's too short to be held back by these common culprits. So, identify them, tackle them, and find a life that’s more fulfilling, exciting, and entirely yours. Your life is happening right now. And no one knows how much time we have in this life.