How To Stop Hating Your Body

Loving your body in a world plastered with unrealistic beauty ads and harmful messaging is not always easy. Societal pressure sometimes unwittingly becomes internalized.

Life is unpredictable and time is the only thing we cannot get back. So, learning to cherish your body, and your life, is important. Below are some ways to stop wasting energy on worry and to combat negativity as it pertains to body image.

Your life is happening right now. Start elevating your life and your narrative.

1. Toss the Toxic

First step? Clean house! Ditch or reduce toxic influences. If you cannot see social media for what it is — not many people post about difficult things happening in their lives, and all people have challenges — unfollow social media accounts that cause you to feel bad about yourself, toss magazines that preach impossible beauty standards, and kindly distance yourself from anyone who thinks body-shaming is acceptable. Instead, curate your feeds and friendships to reflect positivity.

2. Therapy: Because Sometimes, It's Deeper

Sometimes, the roots of body hatred are deeply rooted. If that’s the case, talking with the Modern Therapy Group or another skilled therapist can be an effective way to unearth and confront these issues. A good therapist helps you navigate through the murky waters of self-esteem and any feelings, beliefs or issues that are holding you back.

3. Celebrate Function, Not Just Form

Your body is more than a sculpture to be admired. It is the vehicle or vessel for your life and through which you may accomplish your dreams. Start celebrating what it can do rather than just how it looks. Appreciate that you can walk or run. Many cannot. Be thankful for all of the things you can do, instead of focusing on what you cannot do.

4. Practice Gratitude, Not Critique

Change the narrative. Instead of zeroing in on imperfections, start each day by thanking your body for what it does for you. Thank your legs for carrying you, your arms for lifting things, your eyes for seeing the world, and your lungs for breathing it all in. Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. Each day, I try to begin by remembering or journaling about five things for which I am grateful. Some days, it is simply that I can see, walk, hear, think and move. Every day—and every minute—is a chance to do something differently.

5. Mind Your Mirror Talk

What do you say when you look in the mirror? If it’s not something you’d say to your best friend, don’t say it to yourself. Transform your mirror talk: Compliment yourself and smile. Make it a habit to greet your reflection like you would a beloved friend—with warmth and kindness.

6. Move Because You Love Your Body, Not Because You Hate It

Exercise should not be a punishment. It can be a celebration of what your body can do! Find activities you actually enjoy. Dance around your living room, take a scenic hike, swim, bike or do yoga. Move in ways that make you feel good, not just ways that burn calories. My recent practice is to blast music between projects and dance wildly around my house. It feels great!

7. Dress for Success

Wear clothes that make you feel fabulous, not what fashion dictates. If you’re uncomfortable in what you’re wearing, it will be harder to feel good about yourself. Find your style and flaunt it. When you feel like you look good, you may feel good.

Learning to stop hating your body can be a journey. Start shifting perspectives, healing from the inside, and practicing self-love. Life is short and uncertain. You deserve to love yourself, and that includes your body.