Guest Post: Getting Your Business Website Ready for Growth

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With the ever-changing digital landscape, having an effective website is essential for businesses to reach their full potential. Having a website that is easy to navigate and use can help your business stand out from the competition and contribute to its growth. Here are some tips to design and build a website that will help your business grow.

Understand Your Audience

Before you start designing your website, it’s important to understand who your target audience is. Knowing who you are trying to reach will help you create a website that meets their needs and expectations. You should also consider what devices they are likely to be using when accessing your site as this will determine how responsive it needs to be.

Establish a Clear Purpose

Your website should have a clear purpose, which should be communicated in the content of the site as well as through visuals. Having a clear focus will make it easier for visitors to find the information they are looking for and help them decide if your business is right for them. Consider why people would visit your site, what information they need, and how you can make it easy for them to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Utilize SEO Best Practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps ensure that your website appears higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Incorporating keywords into page titles, headings, and content can make your business more visible while also making sure that visitors can find what they need quickly and easily. Additionally, utilizing backlinks from other websites can also help increase traffic to your site.

The key to effective SEO is to start with on-page optimization, which involves optimizing website content and HTML source code to make it user-friendly and easy for search engines to crawl. One technique is to conduct thorough research to determine what keywords your target audience is using in search queries. Then, as mentioned earlier, incorporating these keywords naturally into titles, descriptions, and content can increase the likelihood of showing up in the first few SERPs. Another technique is to write high-

quality content that answers users’ questions or provides valuable information they are looking for. Engaging content not only results in happy users but can also improve click-through rates and reduce bounce rates.

Develop An Intuitive Interface

The interface of your website should be easy-to-navigate so that users don’t get lost or frustrated trying to find what they need. Utilizing menus, dropdowns, and tabs can help organize content so that visitors don’t have to search around endlessly for what they want or need from the site. Additionally, having clear call-to-actions throughout the page will encourage visitors to take action such as signing up for newsletters or purchasing products and services on the site.

Implement Intelligent Automation

Intelligent automation is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their processes and drive growth. By using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies, businesses can automate tasks that were once time-consuming and prone to human error. This allows workers to focus on more strategic tasks and ultimately accelerates growth.

If you are considering AI automation, it’s important to note that it can help businesses make more informed decisions by analyzing data in real-time, identifying trends and patterns, and generating insights that can be acted upon in real-time. With the right approach and technology in place, intelligent automation can take business growth to the next level.

Make Sure Your Website Is Responsive

Having a responsive design ensures that users can access your website no matter which device they are using without any issues such as slow loading times or broken links due to different screen sizes or operating systems being used by different devices today. Additionally, having a mobile-friendly design is essential for businesses today since most customers use mobile devices when browsing online stores before making purchases or researching products/services offered by companies today.

Incorporate Visuals Strategically

Visuals are great ways of engaging with customers while also conveying messages more effectively than just text alone does today. Visuals should only be used strategically so that they do not distract from important content on the page or slow down loading times too much which could lead to potential customers leaving the page altogether due lack of patience when waiting too long for pages with large images and videos to load completely today.

Use Tech to Help Your Business Grow

Designing and building a website requires careful planning and consideration of many factors including understanding who you want to reach with it, utilizing SEO best practices, and implementing business process management where it makes sense— all these steps taken together will ensure that businesses have websites ready for growth!

Growing your business can be tough. If you’re looking for inspiration about the value of perseverance, check out Maria Leonard Olsen’s book, 50 After 50!

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About the guest author, Lance Cody-Valdez:  A few years ago, burned out and miserable at his job in corporate marketing, Lance Cody-Valdez decided it was time to invest in himself. He quit his job and used his meager savings to stay afloat as he built a career as a freelance writer and content marketer. He created to help others use freelancing to escape the 9 to 5 daily grind. See for more information.