Invited to serve on the "Cultural Identification & Genetic Identity" panel and to lead an affinity group on addiction and destructive behavior for the Untangling Our Roots Summit in Denver, co-hosted by the National Association of Adoptees & Parents and Right To Know.
“Join us for our second annual Untangling Our Roots summit in Denver, Colorado at the Regency Hyatt Aurora-Denver. We have 3+ days of entertainment, community, learning, and healing. Tickets include singers, musicals, movies, speaker forums, speaker panels, creative workshop, small group discussion, and amazing keynote speakers PLUS three breakfasts, two lunches, snacks and our Thursday night taco bar. Plus access to our therapy room and Bear Witness program. We will send you an email to sign up for tracks later. Don't forget to signup for the Misfit Variety Show: Ancestry Dot Comedy’s Community Mic Night.
Attendees understand that RTK and NAAP cannot guarantee anonymity at the Summit and a person's image/name may be posted on social media by other attendees. RTK & NAAP will never use a person's name without permission, however we do post images on social media from Summit.”
Untangling Our Roots Summit — promotional image
Title: Cultural Identification & Genetic Identity
Date: Fri 4/26 1:00pm-2:30pm
Description: This panel brings together individuals who've experienced significant shifts in cultural and genetic identity following a DNA surprise. It explores the profound emotional impact of discovering unexpected ethnicities, addressing feelings of impostor syndrome and the journey to re-establish a sense of self. Panelists will share personal narratives of integrating new ethnic identities, rebuilding family connections, and finding belonging amidst the transformative process of trying to figure where they belong.
For tickets:
Join us! Register/learn more at the link below or contact me for more information.
Press Release:
15 March 2024
Contact: Jennifer Fahlsing & Beth Steury,
Kara Rubinstein Deyerin,
April 25-April 28, 2024 in Denver, Colorado
Hosted by the non-profits the National Association of Adoptees and Parents and Right to Know this multi-day conference includes 60+ speakers gathered in one place from across the U.S. and around the world who specialize in the impacts of DNA surprises, adoption, assisted reproduction, and NPEs for 3+ days of learning, entertainment, and community. These thought leaders include mental health professionals, authors, educators, podcasters, artists, tiktokers, and experts in identity, DNA, sociology, genealogy, genetics who will present innovative seminars, panel discussions, and interactive workshops to provide a wealth of opportunities to learn and connect.
Adoptees, the donor-conceived, and people with an NPE represent a diverse group of individuals from every age level, geographic region, and socio-economic, political, educational, and ethnic background. We estimate that 1 in 20 people have a misattributed parentage experience (MPE) — that’s 16.5 million Americans, plus the families they grew up in, their new genetic family, and the families they’ve built who are part of our combined communities. Regardless of how we get to the point of wanting to know our genetic identity, who we are, who we’re related to, and our medical history – once we reach this space, we have similar challenges, self-discoveries, issues, and blessings.
“A Summit bringing together the adoption, assisted reproduction, and non-paternal event communities is the fruition of a long-time dream! Forming coalitions among groups with similar challenges, impacts, and goals will hasten our success!” Leslie Pate Mackinnon, LCSW
“The Being at the conference was magical. It was a place where you could feel the love and respect and comfort all around you. But being there I realized that I’ve been craving this community for myself. This conference was the emotional and spiritual healing that I’ve always wanted but never found.” Taylor Ashley, attendee 2023
Direct-to-consumer DNA tests have unanticipated consequences—no more family secrets. Anyone can have a DNA surprise: we’re your friend, neighbor, cousin, attorney, store clerk…Join us in Denver, CO for this one-of-a-kind event because if you haven’t had a DNA surprise, you likely know someone who has. For more information or to register to attend, go to
Since 2015 the National Association of Adoptees and Parents (NAAP), formerly Indiana Adoptee Network, has dedicated resources to enhancing the lives of adoptees by unifying their diverse voices. Our programming seeks to EDUCATE, ELEVATE, and EMPOWER by promoting dialogue, understanding, and healing. Through education, awareness, and connection, we are striving to establish a new adoption narrative.
RTK was founded in 2019 to support people impacted by DNA surprises and genetic identity issues through education, support, and advocacy. We promote understanding of the complex intersection of genetic information, identity, and family dynamics. It is a fundamental human right to know your genetic identity. If you need help, call 323-TALK-MPE or reach out online—you’re not alone.
#rootssummit2024 #fiftyafter50 #60after60 #BecomingYourBestVersionPodcast #discoveringyourroots #ancestry #DNAtesting #dnadiscoveries #untanglingourroots #RightToKnow #NPE #mpe #unintendedconsequences #unintendedconsequencesofdnatesting #NAAP #RTK
#identity #ethnicity #culturalidentity