Speaker and Emcee at the Long Walk for for Freedom, Nature and Love

I was honored to welcome the walkers back from their 350 mile walk from New York to D.C., and to introduce each of the speakers, including Cong. Sherman, to speak to the assembled crowd.

Three hundred years ago, the great Sindhi poet Bhittai prayed:

O Lord, may you always shower happiness over Sindh,

O Sweet Friend, may you make the whole world abundant

– Shah Abdul Lateef Bhittai

Today more than ever, the words of Bhittai are called upon by the Sindh Province of present-day​​Pakistan and the world, as the global community finds itself plagued with human suffering and a looming climate crisis.

Stemming from a belief in universal human rights, the Long Walk for Freedom, Nature and Love will raise awareness for climate change and global human rights violations. Too many human beings around the world face the appalling realities of enforced disappearances, torture, extrajudicial killings, and forced conversions. Amidst it all, those with the power to act stand by as global temperatures rise beyond the point of no return, sparking unprecedented fires, droughts, and massive storms.

We call for an end to these transgressions through this march. ​We walk for freedom from enforced disappearances, freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom from torture, freedom from forced conversions, freedom from unjustifiable killings, and freedom from environmental destruction.

Stretching from New York City to Washington DC., the Long Walk will cross through five states: Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Along the way, participants will meet with community members, human rights groups, and political leaders who wish to support the fight against climate change and human rights violations. The 350-mile march will end in Washington DC​​with a meeting between Long Walk participants and members of US Congress.

Tentative dates

April 4th in New York, April 5th and 6th Meetings in New York and Long March starts from April 7th and ends by April 29th.

Learn more

To learn more and get involved in this historic march, visit our webpage.

Maria Olsen