The Unstoppable Virtual Women's Retreat June 5-11

If you want to become the Master of Your Universe (Your family, business, job and your soul), and learn how to live and work WITHOUT stress, check out these amazing women and imagine what you could learn from them (and this is only 5 of the 27!)

Bridget Hallisey, Confidence and Mindset Coach
Nicole Henry, Money Energy Expert & Business Strategist
Erin Strayer, The Female CEO Maker & Scaling Strategist
Glendy Yeung, Multidisciplinary Energy Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Sound Practitioner
Megan Moran, The Mompreneur

And myself, of course. I will be speaking about Using Self-Care to Become Your Best Version at Home and at Work.

Honestly, you and I both know that as women we give everything we have to everyone else. Now is the time to take a leap and power up!

My friends, Kimberly and Terrill, are hosting a 7-Day Virtual Women’s Retreat. By participating in the retreat, you'll hear ALL 27 speakers. You can attend live or watch the replay, if life gets a little busy and you need to miss one. We all know how crazy busy and a little out of control our days can seem. Then we still feel less than productive and stressed out and we have to wake up and do it all over again. There is a MUCH better way! Which is exactly why Kimberly and Terrill have put this group of AMAZING women together.

You can expect to make massive shifts in:
· Your mindset and energy.
· Level up your business or start one you’ve been thinking about.
· Learn to put you first without making anyone or anything else second.
Join me for this Virtual Women’s Retreat and let's level up together:

During this retreat you will be learning with Kimberly and Terrill along with other women who find themselves, as you do, with too little time and way too much stress. We all know the terrible effects stress has on our lives and bodies. You'll learn what it takes to move past this and into a life with more productivity and much much more ease.

Kimberly and Terrill have a very unique approach to life and business. Two coaches working with you to create and implement these practices that will move you out of over-stressed and into alignment with your business and yourself.

Join me for UnStoppable - Virtual Women’s Retreat:

See you at the retreat! (Of course, you have to register first!)

#unstoppable #fiftyafter50 #womensretreat #becomingyourbestversion

Maria Olsen