Featured on Midlife Magic Summit
I was honored to be chosen as one of the 21 hand-picked influencers for the online video interview series called “Midlife Magic: Step Into Your Feminine Wisdom & Create The Life You Were Meant To Live.” The series was for women who feel called to transform their lives and follow their own inner wisdom to connect with their authentic selves and find what really sets their souls on fire!
From host, Susie Stanley: I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to have this conversation with Maria Leonard Olsen! She is an author, mother, attorney, public speaker, retreat leader, recovery mentor, and co-host of Washington, D.C.'s “Inside Out” radio show. Maria is a very busy lady and I am so grateful that she took time out of her schedule to come share her wisdom with us.
● Maria’s story of how she was inspired to write her book ‘50 After 50’
● Letting go of the masks we wear in the world as women, wives, mothers, etc.
● The freedom in letting go of perfectionism and embracing imperfect human-ness
● Not worrying about what others think of you and truly loving yourself
● Learning to trust your own feminine wisdom
Watch Our Interview Here: https://midlifemagicsummit.com/maria-leonard-olsen/
Tune in to find out what happened when Maria decided to buy a motorcycle after 50!
I can’t wait to hear what YOU think about her FREE GIFT and what you found most impactful about her interview. Share any feedback with me simply by replying to this email.
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What was your biggest take away from this interview?
With Love and Gratitude,
P.S. Do me a FAVOR and spread the love by sharing this link with your friends and family members who are ready to step into their power, follow their calling, and make huge shifts in their life! www.midlifemagicsummit.com - They'll be so grateful you did!
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