When Is It OK To Give Up On Your Goals?

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We’re often told to never give up on our goals, but there can be times when giving up has positive benefits. This guide offers some advice on when to keep going and when to quit. 

Are you still enjoying pursuing your goal?

It’s worth pursuing a goal if you enjoy pursuing that goal, regardless of your chances of achieving it. For example, let’s imagine you have dreams of becoming a successful musician. If you love making music or performing music, then you should keep striving for recognition, even if you never become the superstar you want to be. The challenge of reaching a goal can sometimes be more rewarding than reaching the goal itself.

Of course, if trying to reach your goal is making you exhausted or depressed, you may want to consider whether it is worth it. Quite often, people pour all their energy into pursuing a career only to realize that they don’t really enjoy the work or the industry. No matter how far you’ve come, there’s no point trudging forwards if you no longer have the passion or the motivation.

Which will have more of a positive impact on your health - keeping going or giving up?

Sometimes it’s important for our health to keep going. For example if you’re overweight and you’ve been told to lose weight for the sake of your health, it could be vital to keep going when pursuing your weight loss goal. The same goes for overcoming drug addiction or fighting depression. 

If pursuing a goal is damaging your health, then it may be a good idea to give it up. For example, if you’re working yourself to the point of burnout trying to get a promotion, consider whether that promotion is really worth it.  You don’t want to end up having a heart attack for the sake of a career goal.

Have you talked to other people about what they think?

It can be valuable to seek out the opinion of other people when choosing whether to give up a goal. Start by seeking support from people close to you who you can trust. Avoid talking to people who you feel may be biased.  They may try to pressure you into something regardless of what you want. Instead, consider people who may have a neutral opinion on the matter, and whose viewpoint you respect.

It could be worth consulting strangers, in some cases, for a truly neutral viewpoint. This could be anyone from a career coach to an online psychic reader. You could even try getting a spread of advice from different people.

Is pursuing your goal having a negative impact on the people around you?

It’s okay to pursue a goal for selfish reasons. However, your goal shouldn’t cause harm to others in the process. For example, it’s okay to pour your time, money and energy into a hobby. However, you shouldn’t neglect your family to pursue your hobby.  There needs to be a balance between following your personal passions and meeting your commitments. 

Talking to people around you can give you an idea of the impact you’re having on others. If everyone is suffering so that you can achieve your personal goals, you may want to consider giving it up or simply delaying it to a more suitable time.

Maria Olsen