No One Here Asked, "What Are You?"

I had the privilege of participating as a panelist at the Mixed Remixed Festival this month.  It was almost surreal to be in the company of so many people of mixed race ancestry.  In a society that insists upon categorization, it was so refreshing to be among people who'd shared experiences similar to mine--not quite feeling like they belonged in any certain ethnic or racial group.

My panel was entitled, "Excavating Family Mythology and Publishing Your First Children's Book."  I adored my co-panelists instantly.  In fact, I felt bonded to everyone at the festival.  I felt at home, welcomed, not judged. 

A recent L.A. Times article captured the essence and ethos of the Festival. 

At long last, I found a place where I belong.  #mixedremixed  #mixedrace

Caroline Olsen